Q:  Do you have a Free Trial or Live Demo to explore the features?

A:    We offer 14 days Free Trial  for VetNvet. We don't offer free trial for any other products. However you can explore full featured demo for all our products. 

 Our Live Demos:

Q:  Do you offer any money back guarantee?

A:    All our sales are final and we offer NO REFUND. Also, there is no exchange of themes is possible.

Q:  Do you provide installation instructions?

A:    All our products are bundled with installation guide, you can also explore our knowledge base which has everything you need.


Q:  Do you offer support for installation?

A:    Yes, there is a paid installation support is available. 

Q:  How do updates work?

A:    You will be notified by email whenever we release updates. You can download the same from your login.

Q:  How can I reach your support?

A:    The priority way is to use our contact form and then the live chat. All your support queries will be answered within 24 hours of time.

Q:  What does Single Instance License means?

A:    A license can be used with one instance/server/website. If you want to use with more instances/servers/websites, you need to buy more licenses based on your requirement.

Q:  Where can I find the documents and resources related your products?
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