Product Keys Delivery - Magento 2.x


Magento 2.x extension to automate your Product/License keys delivery. The PKD plugin sends your license/product/game or any keys upon the invoice automatically to the user by email.

Compatible: Magento/Adobe Commerce 2.2.x till 2.4.7

Lifetime updates


We often need to deliver a product key automatically by email during invoice. This is especially the case when you sell digital/downloadable products such as software products, games or other activation based products. Product Keys Delivery plugin by Dart Innovations can help you automate your license key easily. This extension can be integrated with your Magento store to deliver all type of product/license keys. 

We named it as product keys but it can be anything such as License Key, Serial Code, Product Code, Game Code, PINs, Activation Codes, Enrollment Numbers, Recharge Codes or even a Coupon Code. Generally the product keys are unique strings may be a serial of numbers, alphabets, special characters or mix of these. Although the product keys are generally useful for downloadable and virtual products our extension can be used to deliver product keys with all product types.

Key Features:

  • Convert any product types into license key products
  • One key pool can be shared with multiple products
  • Adding keys against SKU will map the key pool automatically to that product
  • Deliver keys instantly upon the purchase
  • Use customized email template for key delivery
  • Include the key code into your existing invoice/order email templates
  • Add keys as bulk
  • Low warning email to prevent key pools from out of stock

The administrator can add a single key or multiple keys at a time. The keys can be added against a SKU which is mapped to that product automatically. 

Add product keys in easier way

Administrators can add a single key or multiple keys at a time. The keys can be added against a SKU which is mapped to that product automatically.

Manage Keys on pool

The pool management makes easier for you to add keys on a pool and share it among multiple products. A single pool can be shared with 2 or more products hence it is easier for you to manage keys at one place instead of adding them one by one for each product. 

Get notified when a pool is low in stock

Set the low stock level (ex: 10) and you will be notified when the keys on stock are lower than this. This way you will have time to prepare and add new keys before the keys go out of stock. You can also set which email address you need to notify the low stock warning for each product.

Send keys automatically to buyers once invoice is generated

The keys can be auto delivered when an order is completed and invoice is generated. By default it delivers keys in an email where you can choose your preferred email template. You can also use our short-code to insert the keys within your existing invoice, order or other email templates. So just customize and deliver it as you wish.

Status Notification

Every key on pool will have status tagged as ‘used’ or ‘unused’. This way you can easily find as well filter the keys that are not used yet. Also in the order page you will get notified when the key is not delivered. 

Issue or Reissue key from order page

In the order page you will have clear status as whether a key is issued with that order or not. In case of such delivery failures due to the non-availability of keys in stock, you can manually trigger the Issue Key button and deliver it. You may also reissue the keys whenever you need.

Will I/admin get any email alerts during when key pool is low?

Yes, this is a primary feature involved in earlier versions itself. You can set your email id for receiving low warning alert. You can also set the level as your own for the low warning (Ex: Lesser than 5).

Does PKD plugin work with all Payment Gateways?

Yes, the PKD plugin triggers the key delivery event during the invoice event by Magento. Hence if you have set Auto Invoice upon the payment then it works. So no matter which payment gateway you use but you just need to make sure you have Auto Invoice upon the payment is set.

Is there option to manually trigger the Key delivery from admin?

Yes, you have option in admin to either re-issue a key or just send the issued key by email. Yes, you can send keys manually against the orders.

Which product types the PKD plugin can be used for?

It can be integrated with all product types that Magento 2 offers. 

Can I use PKD plugin with multiple websites?

One license is only for one website. You need to buy number of licenses based on your need. (Ex: 3 websites need 3 licenses).

Do I need to activate the Plugin?

Yes, you will receive a license key upon your purchase which you can use to activate the plugin.

How long you provide support for plugin updates?

The updates are for lifetime. Once you purchased, you are eligible for lifetime updates without any additional cost or extended support warranty.

What about the support and warranty?

As we believe in happy customers, when there is a bug or compatibility issue we are always ready to provide our immediate support. It is absolutely free. Yes, We want to keep our products bug free.

What about support for issues due to configuration or other extension conflicts?

We still provide you our support to get rid of the bug/issue you are facing. But obviously these cases are charged based on the hours we spend. We discuss to you before beginning our troubleshoot during such cases.
If there is any feature request or bug due to your configuration or other extensions we charge based on the hours. But 

Manual Method

  1. Download and Unzip the package
  2. Copy the folder Dart to your web server under “app/code”
  3. If you don’t have a folder called code then create one
  4. Login to your terminal and move to the Magento root directory
  5. Run the command php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  6. And then php bin/magento cache:clean

That’s it. There is an installation and user guide ships with your package which will let you to get started quickly.
For more information you can go through our knowledge base >>

2.0.0 (07th  Aug 24)

Compatible with Adobe/Magento commerce 2.4.7
Compatible Adobe Commerce Cloud latest
Compatible with PHP 8.3
Stability: Stable Build


  • Post to an API feature has been introduced
  • It now allows you to integrate with external systems using REST API
  • Updated user guide with details about REST API integration.

1.9.0 (01st  May 24)

Compatible with Adobe/Magento commerce 2.4.6
Compatible Adobe Commerce Cloud latest
Stability: Stable Build


  • Email Templates are customizable
  • UI improvements
  • Plugin Logo Changed.

1.8.0 (01st Dec 23)

Compatible with Adobe/Magento commerce 2.4.5
Compatible with Adobe Commerce Cloud latest
Stability: Stable Build


Minor UI bugs fixed.

1.7.0 (15th Jun 23)

Compatible with Adobe/Magento commerce 2.4.4
Compatible with Adobe Commerce Cloud latest
Stability: Stable Build

1.6.0 (02nd Mar 2021)

Compatible with Open Source (CE): 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
Compatible with Commerce on prem (EE): 2.3 2.4
Compatible with Commerce on Cloud (ECE): 2.3 2.4
Stability: Stable Build


  • New Feature – Admin can receive BCC email of every Product key email delivery. Simply configure the email you want to receive the copied.
  • Tested on Magento 2.4 .x versions. Everything is compatible.

1.5.0 (02nd Jul 2020)

Compatible with CE: 2.1 2.2 2.3
Stability: Stable Build


The new feature to import Keys in bulk using CSV/Excel on admin has been added. 

1.4.0 (23rd Mar 2020)

Compatible with CE: 2.1 2.2 2.3
Stability: Stable Build


Fixed below compatibility bugs for Magento CE 2.3.4.

  • Customer will get email without name and Magento store name while receiving product keys as well the notification emails. – Fixed
  • Admin will get email without store name during low key notification emails. – Fixed

1.3.2 (06th Jan 2020)

Compatible with CE: 2.1 2.2 2.3
Stability: Stable Build


The bug with email delivery at Magento 2.3.3 version has been handled. The bug happens because the new version of Magento core doesn’t accept array values on addTo function. This is handled on PKD plugin now. On the backend the options area dropdown had a conflict with cache which has been handled.

1.3 (05th April 2019)

Compatible with CE: 2.1 2.2 2.3
Stability: Stable Build


In admin the created time for the product keys on admin grid was wrong, which is fixed. Product key stock unavailable message was sent to all download products upon the order, regardless of Key pool is assigned. It is fixed, so only the product with Key pool mapped will get this out of stock message. The warning message ‘Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable’ during adding keys at Magento 2.3.0 is handled.

1.2 (20th March 2019)

Compatible with CE: 2.1 2.2 2.3
Stability: Stable Build


Bug fix: In the product pages on admin the checkbox ‘Overwrite General Config’ was not working from the versions Magento 2.2.6 plus. That is fixed.
New Feature: The product keys for the orders have been listed under customer dashboard in a new Tab called ‘My Keys’.

1.1 (30th Dec 2018)

Compatible with CE: 2.1 2.2
Stability: Stable Build


New Feature: You can set your product quantity to update based on the keys on stock in Key Pools.
The module has been added to Magento Role Access system so you can restrict this module visibility on user basis in admin back end.
Bug Fixed – If multiple keys are delivered, then the keys on admin order page shown with HTML tags which is fixed.

1.0 (31st Aug 2018)

Compatible with CE: 2.1 2.2
Stability: Stable Build


Initial Release with full features.